Saturday, September 5, 2015

Labor on Labor Day

Labor on labor doesn't seem right. On September 5, 1882 aproximately 10,000 workers participated in America's first Labor Day Parade in New York City.  In 1887 Oregon became the first state to declare Labor Day an offical holiday, soon the rest of the nation followed.  Labor day weekend is dedicated to the hard working individuals who go off day after day to  a job, giving it their best and precious moments of their life.  Some of us are lucky enough to be doing what we love and getting paid for it while others force themselves to engage daily in a job that defines drudgery.

 I feel blessed that I am able to work in a field that I am passionate about, education.  Just like everyone else it isn't easy getting up when it is still dark and pushing myself to keep moving as I get ready for work.  However once I am out the door my mind is racing with a multitude of ideas and plans for the day.  I really love what I do.

This weekend is supposed to be a break from our hard work and yet I foolishly planned a rummage sale.  The heat was horrendous and once again I was up at the crack of dawn to "work".  I had driven around the night before and placed signs directing people to my rummage sale.  Soon they starting coming, yes, before the appointed time of 9:00 am.  It was OK though, we were ready for them.  As the day crawled on the temperature and humidity index rose.  The eclectic collection of remnants of past decorations, dishes and furniture slowly began to sell.  I had no regrets parting with any of the items and it was a relief to see them find a new home knowing I would not have to lug them down to the basement when the sale ended.

For some reason that remains unknown, Labor Day weekend is a popular weekend to hold a rummage sale here and the neighborhood is filled with sale signs as people use their 3 day weekend for selling and shopping at neighboring garage sales.

Originally I was going to do the 3 day rummage sale, however after sweating and wishing I was somewhere else and doing something else I decided I am done after tomorrow.  So Monday, Labor Day, I will enjoy the day and honor the American labor movement movement by appreciating the opportunity to sit back in thankfulness. 

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